Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Here I am starting a whole new blog, and there you are wondering why. Well, even though I have enjoyed my older blog very much, recently I have felt the need to create another blog only this time dedicate it to writings that would honor Christ. Whereas my other blog was focused on my life and events that were happening around me, I want to now focus on the only One that makes me complete. Christ. I also hope to encourage my fellow readers, and be a witness to those who come across my blog.

"I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes.."Romans1:16

Stay unashamed of the gospel for Christ!



  1. Hey you!

    Love the new blog...and the dedicating it solely to being Christ-honoring. So refreshing to see blogs like this instead of the "got up-ate breakfast-did dishes" type! *smile*

    "I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14

    Keep it up, girly!!

  2. Hey Rachel -

    Long time no talk! I'm encouraged to see what you are doing here, and urge you to press on. Blogs like this will be difficult to maintain because we have one who fights against us. But never forget, we have One who is stronger and mightier who is on our side.

    Lauri Koenig
